Does it make any sense to replace only window seals? For window fittings to be tighter and to eliminate drafts, many people recommend installing double glazing on old fittings or simply replacing damaged gaskets that are no longer able to guarantee perfect thermal insulation of windows. Before you ask yourself “what are the best window seals?” or “How to replace window seals?”, you better analyse your problem carefully.
Therefore, replacing window seals will not solve problems with poor thermal insulation
The main thing is to understand what kind of windows are in your house and how they were installed. Perhaps these are cold-cut aluminium windows (poorly insulating material), or single-panel windows, which are unlikely to be able to guarantee you excellent results from the point of view of thermal insulation.
And if the same windows were installed without proper installation, then even the best window seals will not solve your problem. All these factors affect the tightness of your windows and certainly replacing seals in old windows will not bring the expected benefits.
There is also another problem. Old windows were not suitable for modern seals, they work well only if, when closed, they can work under pressure around the entire perimeter. Installing new window seals will add unexpected thickness to the window. It may be possible to reduce the problem of ventilation losses – to reduce, not eliminate draughts – but it will not bring the long-term expected result.
What should you do to reduce window leakage?
Old windows are designed in a certain way and are unlikely to be suitable for modern elements such as much heavier thermal glass or new, more voluminous seals. Therefore, renovating an old window is not always the best solution.
If you want to solve problems with insulation, drafts, lack of acoustics, for longer, it is worth approaching the problem comprehensively. Replacing old luminaires may be the best choice, especially when we are talking about luminaires from 10 or 20 years ago, designed in a time when there were not many technologies that have become standard today.
All you have to do is contact – a qualified consultant who will carefully analyse your case to find the best solution to your problems. And if you need to replace old windows, the same consultant will support you at every stage from selecting windows to completing installation and how to take care of your windows to last as long as possible.