Each door has a lifespan that ensures its quality and proper functioning. Sometimes it is 30 years, sometimes even a hundred years of a good door service. Yet, there always comes a time when the old door requires to be replaced with a new one. There are certain premises indicating you’re in a perfect moment for a door replacement. What are the signs you need new doors and why should you not ignore them?
1. Cracks, rust, and other signs of wear
Depending on a door type, you may encounter different faces of wear but they all beg for your attention. Cracks left untreated, grow bigger over time. Not only are they visually not appealing, but they also compromise the structural integrity of the door, which generally decreases their safety.
2. Squeaking and creaking
As much as squeaking comes from the hinges, not the door itself, it marks the possibility of certain wear also taking place in the door wing. Doors are meant to be a noise barrier, not the author.
3. Dragging and opening issues
It’s as annoying as serious for it points to a hidden and most likely still progressing issue. Doors can shift over time because of the weather, sometimes it’s also a misalignment caused during the installation that went unnoticed for a longer time. Dragging door damages flooring. Untreated creates big problems with locking the door securely.
4. Noticeable drafts
If you experience drafts coming from the door, there’s undoubtedly something wrong. It is not uncommon when the door is aging yet it has to be dealt with if you don’t want your utility bills to skyrocket.
5. Security concerns
Solid exterior doors are meant for the protection of the entire household. If you develop any doubts that your door is strong enough to block the intruder, it may be time to get them replaced. Modern doors are more preventive and will help you sleep safely.
Are you looking for a new door? Check the wide door selection at Homeefe in the online catalogue or in our showroom in Rushden.